Hello there!
I’m excited to be winging my way back to Tennessee for another fun, exciting, laborious, gloriously exhausting weekend of shopping, chatting, and reuniting!
Here we go:
*Design No. 37 Chatter-broth
The second installment in my Retired Words series (see below for Curglaff), Chatter-broth is a noun meaning the gossip enjoyed by some over their cups. It can definitely be steamy! It’s also my contribution to the Tea Time Pallette XStitch the Rainbow collaboration, https://www.facebook.com/groups/xstitchtherainbowsal/
Suggested Fabric: 40ct Tibouchina linen from Fox & Rabbit Designs
Stitch Count: 60w x 60h
Flosses: Treenway Silks XStitchTheRainbow Pallette: 20, 47, 215, and 65 Roses Sterling Silver (floss pack available from Treenway Silks)
*Design No. 51 Rose’s Dream Tree
We are so excited to announce our daughter Rose’s first foray into design. Based on a drawing that she made, Brandy at BeStitchMe chose the perfect silks from her collection and Bren of Fox & Rabbit Designs dyed a new linen color just for Rose called True Blue.
Suggested Fabric: 36ct True Blue (NEW!) linen from Fox & Rabbit Designs
Stitch Count: 100w x 110h
Flosses: BeStitchMe: Amethyst, Bubble Gum, Cauldron, Gobbler, Lemonade, Marmalade, Poison Ivy, Shaggy Mane
*Design No. 77 January Willow Sampler
January Willow Sampler is the second design that is based off of an antique sampler in my collection. I’m happy to be working with The Gentle Art, who have put together a thread pack for these four colors.
Suggested Fabric: 25ct Raw Natural linen from Zweigart
Stitch Count: 150w x 69h
Flosses: The Gentle Art: Parchment, Woodrose, Forest Glade, Tropical Ocean
*Design No. 88 Pendulum Board
Originally designed for Starlight Stitchery’s Divination Box and now available to all, this design features a floss pack from Leann at Forbidden Fiber Co on 32ct Irish Creme linen from R&R Reproductions.
Suggested Fabric: 28ct Irish Creme Linen from R&R Reproductions
Stitch Count: 75w x 75h
Flosses: Forbidden Fiber Co: Forever in Blue Jeans, Butter Mint, Melodramatic, Shadow, and Obsidian
<3 Michelle