Needle Heathen

Stitch Count: 114w x 80h (total)

Total Stitches: 2662

Threadworx: 010301 Samson and 010420 Red Velvet


DMC: Ecru and 3777

Fabric: 32ct Tobacco linen
from Zweigart

This is a design two years in the making!
For all of my fellow stitchers who don’t know
(and who may not care) what size or type of needle
you’re using, this is the needlebook for you!
No need to sort your needles or keep track of them;
use what feels good, keep all of your needles
in the same place, and be proud of it!

Check out the following YouTube playlist for tutorials HERE

Thank you to my dearest Diana for model stitching
AGES ago.

Finishing of the cover model: JoLyn Buhl
at Acorns & Threads, Portland, Oregon